20 Zombie Trivia Questions – Printable Party Game

Great mix of 20 zombie trivia questions with multiple choice answers and one fill in the blank. Just print and play to see who can survive are zombie trivia game.

Nom, Nom, Nom, the zombies are coming, well at least the zombie questions are coming. 20 trivia questions that relate to zombie movies, tv shows, music and history. Because this game is mostly multiple choice everyone can play this Halloween party game, but those with the most zombie knowledge will survive.

So get ready for a zombie question apocalypse that involve Night of the Living Dead, The Walking Dead, White Zombie, and more. Please know this geared to those old enough to watch zombie movies and tv shows, we recommend it for teenagers and adults.

Printable Zombie Trivia
20 fun questions about brain eating zombies and fun zombie related trivia. Plus we added a zombie apocalypse survivor rating based on each players score, so trivia players can learn if they are zombie bait or will lead the survivors. Just purchase and the file link will be emailed to you, then print and play.

Zombie Trivia Questions Game
is a printable download
by PartyGameIdeas.com

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Zombie Trivia Game $4.25
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20 Zombie Trivia Questions
Answer Key & Tie-Breaker Questions
Zombie Apocalypse Score Results – See Who World Survive

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Our printable zombie trivia game includes a mix of questions concerning some of the best zombie movies of all time, plus interesting facts about zombie related items. It makes it a little more challenging.

Can you play if you don’t know much about zombies?
Our Zombie Trivia is mostly multiple choice, except for one fill in the blank question, so everyone can play, but your have a better chance to win if you enjoy and know zombie movie and tv shows. 

Are your friends are zombie experts?
Well we know that some people know facts about the dead better than they know about their living friends, so we mixed in a few zombie questions that are zombie related but not about movies and tv shows. This may trip up a few people, but if you think more than in one will ace our printable Zombie Trivia game than you can use our tie-breakers or play the first one to finish with all the answers correct wins. 

Your Score determines whether you’ll survive a Zombie Apocalypse!
We add a fun survival rating to this game, so that players of Zombie Trivia will know if they have what it takes to lead civilization into the future or if zombies will go nom, nom, nom on their brains. It is a fun way to end the game. See the instruction sheet for the ratings.

Length of time to play and score Zombie Trivia – 10 to 15 minutes.

We love zombie movies and shows and party games, so when we thought about new games we knew we had to create a zombie trivia game with good questions and interesting answers.

During our research we ran into something unexpected, only a handful of zombie films and tv shows have been really successful; George A. Ramero films, Zombieland and the Walking Dead. So we worked to create a well round group of zombie questions that hit on different zombie themes and unique takes on the word zombie.

Please know that there are several George A. Ramero questions on this quiz, but we tried to find ways to make them a little more challenging.

Once your download our printable Zombie Trivia game just print out as many copies as you need for your event, whether it is a Halloween, Walking Dead or zombie movie night party among friends.

Our Zombie Trivia is recommend for those 13 and up who have seen zombie tv shows and movies. And be sure to remind guests that they can not use their phones or tablets during your Halloween party game to look up answers or they will be disqualified

We hope you enjoy our zombie trivia game and have a safe and Happy Halloween.

You may also like some other printable Halloween games for adults.

Party Game Ideas may receive compensation if featured items are purchased from linked web sites.

While zombies aren’t real, they sure do make do make great fiction, tv show and movies. Just the thought of waking up one day and having your world turned upside down, by having the dead walk the earth eating the living is terrifying. I guess that thought and the fact we enjoy zombie movies and The Walking Dead so much inspired us try create this trivia game. 

Now you and your friends or co-workers can have fun seeing who would be the Rick Grimes of your group and lead zombie apocalypse survivors to safety. The key is just knowing the most about all things zombie related. It sounds easy, but careful because some of our zombie trivia questions were created to bite you and lower your score. Plus with a limited amount of time, you just might not be able to safely answers them all. 

Well be careful, it looks like a herd of the undead are coming this way and the only way we can hold them back is with a strong leader. So grab your crossbow, knife or gun and get ready to play Zombie Trivia.