Printing Party Games FAQ
Supplies: Printable game, printer
Thank you for purchasing a Party Game Ideas printable game. If you are on this page, then you are having printing issues or questions. As we receive questions, we try to answer them and will post them here.
Please know that we offer advice based on our experience and each printer is different.
1. My printout has a border and the graphic showed the design going to the edge.
This is often a margin setting on the printer. For those game designs that bleed off the page, try to remove the margin to get the full design.
2. How do I print 2 games of the game on a regular sheet of paper?
You can do this by making adjustments to your print set up form.
Key items to note:
Pages to Print: Select Pages (1, 1)
– Putting page 1 in twice in the pages section. Prints the first page twice.
Page Sizing & Handling: Select Multiple
– This allows 2 or more prints on the same page.
Pages per Sheet: 2
Orientation: Landscape
This graphic gives you a visual of what to look for.
You may also want to reduce the margins (in Properties or Advanced), so that the games can be a large as possible.
When doing this be shore to do a test print to make sure everything printed correctly.