Halloween Eat Your Brains
Supplies: Brain molds, gelatin, space in the refrigerator, napkins, bibs, gummy foods, various food stuff

Eat Your Brains is likely to be a messy and gross event, but it can be great fun too.
Bibs are recommended and this game works best for parties where people DO NOT DRESS UP for Halloween.
If you guest spend hours on make-up and getting ready and money on Halloween costumes – pass on this game.

However if you have kids that want to hang out, don’t mind a challenge and don’t dress for Halloween, then Eat Your Brains can be entertaining and a lot of fun.

First purchase or more of the gelatin brain molds and create a brain.
Then purchase gelatin / jello that will go in the mold.
– Gelatin Color – We like red, green, and hard to see through brown best.
Other foods that might be used: Grapes, gummy worms, marshmallows

Once you have planned out your event do a test run to see how long it takes to make a mold and prep it. If you are making a lot of brains, then purchase several molds.

Two Game Options:
1. Make gelatin brain with the brain mold.
Slice the top inch off the mold (top of the brain)
Scoop out a cavity in the center of the brain maybe 1 to 2 inches deep. (Same size for each brain)
Fill cavity with food: pudding and peeled grapes (eyes) or gummy worms (or other stuff)
– You can use chocolate pudding or vanilla pudding and add red food coloring
Place top of brain back on you are ready to go.

2. Add gelatin to brain mold and add in grapes, short gummy worms or marshmallows (small ones preferred)
Be sure to add the same number of grapes or marshmallows to each brain.

One concern is that the grapes will all sink to the bottom (top of the brain) and the marshmallows will rise to the top (bottom of the brain). During your test run see what happens and then see if you need to add them slowly or maybe use toothpicks to move them around or add the gelatin in layers.

The goal is to have grapes, gummy worms or marshmallows or other food throughout the gelatin brain.
Once you have completed this the Brain is ready to go.

Food Note:
Pudding works well because it is light and tasty.
Add food coloring for impact and we would recommend that adding the food no more then the night before the party.

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Game Note:
In many cases, you won’t be able to create a brain for every guest. So you will need to decide how to determine who will be playing Eat Your Brains. Here are some ideas:
a. Random – Give guests tickets those whose tickets are called get to play
b. Play a kids game like Halloween Corners and play until you have the right number to play
c. Winners of other games get to play
d. If a costume party, those not in costume play
e. Volunteers – Ask people if they want to play a messy, gross, food eating game. Often when you say who is up to the challenge you get several people who step up. As long as you have 2 people you have a contest!

Lastly, if guests are wearing costumes then have bibs and things to cover them up so that their costume is not full of Jello.

How to Play Eat Your Brains – 2 Versions

Version 1: Using Sliced Brain
Guest are seated at a table and they are told that something special has been prepared for them.

If possible bring out the brains covered so they can’t see them. Then tell them must Eat Their Brains! Now you can tell them which option you have selected.

a. You must finish everything inside the dish without using your hands.
b. You must search through the food in front of you and find all the eyeballs (grapes) or worms (gummy worms) located in this dish and spit them out without using your hands.

The first person to finish all their dessert or find and spit out all the eyes or worms wins.

If you do one or more rounds just record the times to see who is fastest.
Also, keep the constants for the second round in another room so they don’t know what they are doing.
3 People per round works great.

Variation 2: Food throughout the Jello Brain

Be sure to make the brain a dark color that you can not see through. Now mix in the same number of peeled grapes into each brain, 10, 12 or 15 should be good.

Again the guests are called to the table and each is presented a Brain.

Each guest is told that they must Eat Their Brains in order to find Eyeballs (peeling grapes), gummy worms or marshmallows (you could call them maggots so it sounds gross). Once they find the grapes or marshmallows they must spit it into a bowl.

The first one to find all the grapes, gummy worms or marshmallows, “without using their hands”, and spits them into the bowl wins. Make sure you have a counter for each for each bowl as this could be a fast race.

Game Feedback on Halloween Eat Your Brains

Small molds worked for our kid’s Halloween party. We placed 3 grapes in each mold and while they float to the top of the mold it was the bottom of the brain when we placed the brain on the plate. The smaller mold was perfect, a little messy but they still got to the grapes and spit them in bowls.
Jessica – Houston, TX

It took a lot of Jello! While this game was fun, it took a lot of jello and in the end we only made 4 brains. Make sure you have enough jello for the molds and the proper amount of time for them to get step. I would start two days out before your Halloween event.
Amber H. – Wheeling, WV


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