Wine Trivia Game for Dinner Party, Wine Tasting
Supplies: Wine facts and trivia, printer, pen and paper
Planning on holding a wine tasting party, girls night or a dinner party that focuses on wines from Italy, Australia or California and want a fun and interesting game to play at the event. Well consider creating a Wine Trivia quiz, it is pretty easy and you can adapt it to the wine knowledge of your guests.
Party Game Ideas offers ideas and sample questions so you can create your on Wine Trivia game.
Wine Trivia Game Prep & Playa. Create a list of Wine / Champagne facts and trivia and then after dinner or during your next wine party bring out your list of trivia and challenge them to see among you is a true wine connoisseur.
b. Depending on the number of questions 15 – 20 is good give your guests 5 to 10 minutes to answer. Then have guests switch sheets to score.
c. Then question by question – read the question get general comments / prospective answers and reveal the correct answer.
d. The guest with the most correct answers wins a wine related gift.
Here are some wine facts that can get you started. Remember to mix things up by using fill in the blank, true or false and some multiple choice questions.
Wine / Beverage Facts for can use for your game
a. The corkscrew was invented in 1860
b. On average how many grapes does it take to make a bottle of wine?
Answer: While it can vary with white and red wines the average is 600.
After creating our own wine trivia game, we found this question is subjective as answers range from 200 to 1,204 grapes to make a bottle of wine. The size and type of grapes come into play and therefore we would not longer use this question for your wine quiz.
c. A morbid, irrational fear of or aversion to wine is called Oenophobia.
d. The word Alcohol is derived from the Arabic language (al kohl or alkuhl). A little ironic, considering that a large proportion of the Arabic population is forbidden from consuming alcohol for religious reasons.
e. What is the ideal temperature for white wine? (Make this one multiple choice)
Answer: chilled (45-55 degrees F)
f. Sauvignon Blanc is also called Fume Blanc
g. According to scientist Bill Lembeck there are approximately 49 million bubbles in a bottle of Champagne.
Use these to get started and have a wonderful evening.
Don’t have time to make your own Wine Trivia game?
Well we’ve created our first Wine Trivia game that includes 20 multiple choice conversational questions about all wine. We have basic wine facts, but also include gods of wine, unique terms like buttload of wine, critter wine and ask how many liters of wine fit into the largest bottle of wine ever created.
Rather than ask you to define sommelier and tell us where Claret red wines are from we decide to come up with wine questions that will make guests laugh, think, and having fun talking about wine.
Below are some other ready to play wine trivia games.
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