Over the Hill Birthday Roast
Supplies: Stories, paper, person to roast
Sometimes the greatest joy in celebrating a milestone birthday or an employee is sharing stories about that person. Our idea of a Birthday Roast is sharing positive stories and that encourage laughter and smiles.
Over the Hill Birthday Roast Prep & Play
a. Before the party send out an email or letter to everyone who will attend and ask them to think of a story that relates to the birthday person and ask them to email a story to the game host. OPTION – Have them send a Story Name that they would be willing to share during the party.
These stories should be humorous in nature and relate to a funny moment or tie into growing older and include the year (to emphasize their age) and everyone who may have been involved in the shenanigans. Depending on guest attendees let them know whether stories should be PG rated or can be a little risque.
b. Once all your guests have sent in stories ideas, print out each story or story name and the person’s name on pieces of paper, place each story in a bag, and then take it to the Birthday Party or event.
c. Once all the guests have arrived, (if at restaurant order first) then announce that you are all glad to be part of the 30th, 40th or 50th Birthday Roast for our dear friend…
Depending on the number of stories, your roast could last past dinner. Have a paper bag or hat and have the birthday person pull out a story.
Then the Roast Host or the person who shared the story can read or tell it to the group. Often it is best to have the person who sent in the story idea share it as they know the details. Continue this process and have fun.
Please warn guest if there will be children present, no bad language please.
Thanks – Tim & Lori