4 Name That Tune Games
Supplies: Portable speaker or cd player, playlist of songs, maybe pen and paper

These games are based off of the classic tv show, Name that Tune, where guests are challenged to name songs with a little bit of information and just a few notes of that song. This a fun game for competitive friends who are into music.

Name that Tune – Version 1
All Play
Create a song playlist for your party, by grouping together music that ties into your theme.

Luau – Use Beach Boys, Songs about Summer, Heatwave, etc…
If it is a Birthday Party – select music from when they were a teenager 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s.

a. Give a clue about the song. (Number one hit in decade or year, Sung by a Boy Bang, American Idol Alumni)

b. Now in this version you play the first 5 or 15 seconds of the songs and if someone’s hand goes up they are they first to have a shot at guessing the name of the song (Title only or chose to make it harder by making it title and artist).

c. If they get it right 1 point, if they can get the title of the song and the artist 2 points
If they are wrong -1 points and they cannot guess again on that song.

If there are no guesses after the 5 or 15 second clue, then start the song again and play until someone Names that Tune. Person with most points wins.

d. Once done move on to your next song. Play 10 – 15 songs.

Name that Tune – Version 2
Instead of people raising hands and answering hand out a pen and paper and challenge them to Name these Tunes.

On the sheet of paper number the songs 1 through (number of songs) and leave a blank space for song title and artist. Explain to your guest that you will play 30 seconds of a song and then if they know the title and / or artist write it down.

You will announce what song you are on each time so that they can list them properly.
A correct song title is worth one point and if they get the song and artist correct 2 points. No points for just the correct artist.

Play 10 to 15 songs and then have guests trade sheets and start with the first songs play 5 – 10 seconds and see if anyone got it. If Yes! Correct and if no, then let them know who it was and continue until all the answers have been revealed. Person with most points wins.

Name that Tune – Version 3
No music version just pen and paper
On a sheet of paper list famous songs on one side and artists on the other, minimum of 20 songs. You can do songs from a specific decade or mix it up over a variety of decades. Challenge each person to correctly match the song to the artist.

To make it harder, make your list all female, male or just bands.

Give them 5 – 7 minutes to complete and then score the sheets. Highest number correct wins.

Name that Tune – Version 4 – The Most Like Name That Tune
This game follows a similar format as the tv show Name that Tune, but with some slight variations.

1. Create your song list and gather history of each song, Year, was it number 1, trendy
2. Instead of notes, contestants will bid seconds (use 3 or 5 second increments rather then 1 second)
3. Instead of piano players taping out notes you will need to use a phone / cd player and turn on and off or pause the song.

Make a song list or if old school cd of songs to be used for the game and research the song, year released, artist, awards, etc… be sure to know the order of the songs and have proper space so you can jump from one song to the next with out playing the complete song. Have 15 – 20 songs ready to go.

Divide the guests up into 2 teams, but if it is a large group 3 teams.
Each team will send up one contestant at a time and 1 clue about the song will be read.
Contestant will then be asked to say how may seconds they need in order to identify that song. Starting at 15 seconds and counting down.
Ie – I can name that song in 12 seconds, 9 seconds etc…

The reduced bidding ends when one contestant challenges the other by saying, Name that Tune.
Then the song is played for the amount of seconds that the person bid.
The contestant then has “x” amounts of seconds to Name the Tune.

Scoring for teams: (Adjust as needed)
1. Correct song guessed 1 point
2. Incorrect guess -1 point. No guess by either team zero points

Based on how many players you have and songs you have recorded, you can declare a team winner after one or two rounds.

To determine an individual winner, have the winner of any individual rounds continue to play until you get down to just two players. Then have the two players face off with 3 or 5 Name that Tune challenges.

Below are some song trivia games that are ready to play.

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