The Price is Right Baby Shower Game
Supplies: Baby items, index cards and pens and prize/gift

The Price is Right is a classic game show that many people secretly wish they could play. Well now you can take this tv classic and play it at your baby shower! We offer Baby Shower Price is Right rules, tips and instructions so you can do it yourself.

Baby Shower Price is Right Game Prep
a. You are going to need 8 – 12 household and baby items or at least pictures of the items, which can be bought at a store. When you play the game you need to focus on exact items, like “Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 32 Pack.” The reason why is because there are so many sizes and variances that impact price.

b. Before you go to the store or price online we suggest you come up with a general list of items for the game. Here are some general ideas: Pacifier, Package of Diapers, Baby Wipes, Jar of Baby Food, Baby Lotion, Diaper Rash Cream, Baby Nail Clippers, Baby Shampoo, Baby Bottle, Pack of Onesies and so on.

c. Then proceed to go to the store or online and find a specific item to fit the general item / categories noted in step b, like the Pampers example above.

Since prices vary from store to store and there are often specials and discounts, we recommend the following:
1. Buy / Price all the items from 1 store (Target, Walmart, etc…). This information will be shared a game time.
2. Use Brand Names
3. Use the Regular Price or Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (Not a sale price)
4. We like to buy the items and then give them to the new mom, but if she already have them take photos of the product so you can read the size and content information. Also take a photo of the product with the shelf price, this way you will have the information and won’t forget or get the price confused with another product.

Now you have: Store Shopped: Exact Item, Quantity, Photos & Price – You are ready for the next step.

d. Create a Baby Shower Price is Right game sheet.
For the Price is Right game sheet create a list of of the items you purchase, but include the general name. The reason you use the general name instead of the exact item is that if something happens and you need to switch items that cost different amounts or lets say the person who was going to bring Gerber baby food bring Mama Gene’s Organic baby food, you are covered since the game sheet says “Jar of Baby Food.”

1. Pack of Diaper        $______
2. Jar of Baby Food    $______
3. Baby Shampoo       $______
Continue down the list and at the bottom leave a blank row an then on the next row add.
Total   $______

e. Create Price Reveal Cards – Part of the fun of the Price is Right game on tv is when the Prices are actually reveal and players are excited they got it write or miffed they got it wrong. Create your own excitement, by creating price reveal cards on index cards that can be show when you score the game sheets. We offer a variation option for these below.

f. Final Review of Prep Items
1. You need the physical item or a photo of the baby items to present to the shower guests. You can shower these items on at a time or place them on a table for review.
2. Make you have a master answer sheet create of the product & the price before the game.
3. Have enough game sheets and pens for your guests. Always print several extra, just in case they are needed.
4. have a Prize for the Winner
5. Last – Double check product to make sure there are no price tags / stickers on them.

Baby Shower Price is Right Play Instructions
g. Gather the Guests together and let them know they are going to play Baby Shower Price is Right!

h. As you hand out the game sheet and pens, review the instructions. We will show you a variety of baby / new mom items and you will guess at the cost of each item. Please know that the items were priced at “Name Store” and the price we are looking for is the “regular price” of the item we present at that store. Guests cannot use their phones during the game.

i. Game Play Pricing Options
We have come up with three ways to do pricing on Baby Shower Price is Right. Select which method you want for your game, each other different challenge level.

1. Guess the Price and Exact Matches Score Points.
So if a product costs $2.29, only those that guess $2.29 earn a point.

2. Closest to Price without Going Over Score Points.
So if a product costs $2.29, anyone who guesses $2.30 and over can not score points. The closest player or players to $2.29 scores points. So if $1.99 is the closest, they earn a point. If a player gets an exact match they earn 3 points.

3. Match Game Style
The prices of every item are posted on a wall, so if there are 10 items, then each price of one of the items is presented to the player. If two items have the same price then the price is show twice or you only show 9 prices and say two items are priced the same and the group must figure out which items are priced the same. In match game style each player gets 1 point per correct answer.

Match game allows guests to get more correct answers and if you show all the prices, you need to come up with a tie-breaker as the total price is already known. In this case, look up a Bugaboo stroller as your tie-breaker item, as these can cost hundreds and it is hard to guess the price.

j. Make sure your guest know your pricing and game rules, then either bring out the items one at a time like a Price is Right model or place the items or photos of the items on a table and give the guests 5 minutes to complete their game sheet.

k. Once everyone has completed their game sheet it is time to reveal the prices (answers) and score the Baby Shower Price is Right game sheets.

1. Guess the Price and Exact Matches Score Points. 1 point per correct answer. Closest Total points without going over 3 pts. Highest score wins.

2. Closest to Price without Going Over Score Points. 1 point for closest answer. 3 points if an exact price match. Closest Total points without going over 3 pts. Highest score wins.

3. Match Game Style – 1 points per correct match, highest score wins.

l. Always have a tie-breaker ready to play just in case of a tie. As noted above, we suggest a high priced item like a Bugaboo stroller as your tie-breaker item, as these can cost hundreds and it is hard to guess the price.  Closest to the price without going over wins.

Baby Shower Price is Right Variation – Team Play
In this version, you divide the group into 3 or 4 teams. The goal is to have everyone go two rounds. So you might even want five teams.

Instead of playing as individuals, you play as team. Teams form lines and the first contestant from each Team is given a white board and maker (or pen and paper – you’ll need new pieces for each round).

The Game Host brings out the featured product or photo of it and asks guests to write down the price on their board or paper with no help from other team member. Note: Players most be closest to the price without going over.

Guests are given 10-15 seconds to write their answer. Then one by one each contestant flips their board and reveals their guess. Once all the answers are revealed the Host say, The Actual Price is $.

The team that is closest to the price without going over gets 1 point, exact matches get 3 points. Once scored and the white boards erased,  the next players from every team take their turn and are shown a new product.

Play until each player has gone twice or until you have shown all the products and the Team with the most points wins.

In case of a tie between two team, have a tie breaker ready and allow the entire team to come up with an answer before revealing it. However, No Phones – that leads to disqualification. The closest to the price of this item wins.