Baby Shower Advice Games
Supplies: Paper, pen, advice / opinions

Everybody needs advice, and new moms are no exception. With a new baby on the way sometimes the best gift you can receive is one that helps them get the baby to sleep or one that makes them laugh because they are awake every few hours or one that helps them save time making a healthy meal.

These games are a great way to share a variety of baby and home advice that can help the new mom during her first year of motherhood. Plus you can place these gems in a scrapbook so they can be saved and enjoyed. If you are looking for a humorous advice game check out our Bad Baby Advice printable game with advice cards.

Here are several advice type games including helpful advice, silly advice and even recipe advice. Here are some ideas for all three types.

Helpful Advice:
Hand out pieces of paper or prints baby advice forms and request that everyone share a bit of wisdom or advice with the new mom.

Each person then writes down through advice and one by one you go around the room and each person shares that advice and turns in the sheet of paper so the advice is not forgotten. Depending on your theme you can request serious or silly advice what ever you want.

Silly Advice:
Shake things up a bit with Silly Advice, here is how to proceed. Take common baby ailments and write them on the Problem Cards, then during the shower hand out the Problem Cards along with a Solution Card.

Have each guest write a solution for the problem they were given.
Sample Problems:
How do I stop my baby from crying?
What is the best way to bath a baby?
What can I do to make breastfeeding less painful?
What is the best way to burp a baby?

Now after everyone has written a solution for each specific problem. Place all the Problems in one basket and all the Solutions in another.

Pick a Problem from basket and read it, now randomly pick a solution and read that. The advice is sure to be something you have never heard before and should lead to many chuckles.

Recipe Advice
Depending on the recipes you want you may want to send this out prior to the baby shower. Recipe Advice can vary based on the theme so you can have submit Your Favorite Recipe, Favorite Cookie Recipe, The Recipe for a Happy Childhood or Recipe for a Happy Family.

No matter what the case, put all recipes on recipe cards or a nice printed sheet. For real recipes just request what recipe type or them you are looking for like casserole, cookies, etc… and send it to attendees 1 week before the shower.

Once they arrive at the shower you can create a recipe book that can be given to the new mom during the shower.

Take it to the Next Level:
If you ask for actual recipes, so if guests will pick a week to after the birth to consider making the dish for the new mom to help her save time, try the dish and visit with the new mom. This can work if guests are local. If you choose this option try to consider two recipes per week starting the third week after the baby has arrived. It takes some effort and planning, but it is a nice touch.

For a Baby Advice Game that is fun, interesting and a little different check out our Bad Baby Advice Game that includes advice from the last 100 years that might be a little hard to believe. Can your guest determine which advice is True and which is False? Learn more about this very unique baby shower game.
Bad Baby advice Trivia - Baby Shower Games - Baby Advice Cards