20 Thanksgiving Food Trivia Questions
Tasty Thanksgiving Food Trivia game about cooking, Thanksgiving foods, recipes, TV specials, more.
Decide who gets to split the wishbone by making them play Thanksgiving Food Trivia. We pulled together a mix of quiz questions that will make some cooks chuckle and non-cooks panic as they try to figure out the correct answer. But don’t worry not every questions is about cooking and recipes, we have some related to a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, the TV show FRIENDS, thawing a turkey, what time people eat and more. Our mix of food related questions provide a great interaction point for Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving gatherings alike.
Printable Thanksgiving Food Trivia Game
Our printable game includes 20 Thanksgiving Food Trivia Questions and Answers, tie-breaker questions, and game rules. Just purchase and the file link will be emailed to you.

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Thanksgiving Food Trivia
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20 Thanksgiving Food Trivia Questions $4.25
20 Thanksgiving Food Questions
Answer Sheet
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Recommended for 12 years and up.
Our printable Thanksgiving Food Trivia game is geared towards adults, as we reference tv shows that some younger players may not know. However our Thanksgiving food quiz is mostly multiple choice, so everyone can play, even if they aren’t sure of the answer.
Length of Game Play: 10 – 15 minutes
It will take about 10 to 15 minutes to hand out the food trivia sheet, allow guests to select their answers, and reveal the Thanksgiving Food Trivia answers. We recommend 5 minutes to answer the questions, but the host can always add a time if needed.
Here are some Thanksgiving Food Questions
“Green bean casserole, a popular Thanksgiving dish was introduced by Campbell’s in what year?”
“What percentage of Americans stuff their turkey with stuffing?”
There are 18 more questions in our game including when to eat, Charlie Brown, food, recipe, leftovers and more. It’s perfect for your Turkey Day and Friendsgiving celebration. Plus it can be a fun way to determine who split the wishbone!
Want more or a different game, then check out our Thanksgiving Trivia game. It has 20 questions related to history, parades, TV shows, and more.
For many Thanksgiving is a celebration of family, friends, thankfulness and a large feast. We wanted to celebrate this annual celebration by creating a trivia game based around food.
So we started with Thanksgiving food facts and soon had a list of how many millions of potatoes, turkeys, cranberries, boxes of stuffing and pumpkin pies are sold every year. After a review, we thought having a bunch of questions about how many of specific items are sold wouldn’t be to much fun, and set out to pull in other questions for our food trivia game.
So we researched and looked at what the cook / host must do to get ready for Thanksgiving, what things might make or break your meal like oven temperature and thawing out your turkey, researched some historical facts on food related to turkey day, and even made up a false statements. The result is mix of Thanksgiving Food Trivia questions that should challenge, educate and hopefully entertain your guests. All of the questions are multiple choice, except one, so even people who don’t know much about food and cooking still have a shot to win.
And just in case your trivia game ends in a tie, we’ve include two tie-breakers you can use to decide your Thanksgiving Food Trivia Champion!
We hope you have a great Thanksgiving / Friendsgiving and add our Thanksgiving Food Trivia party game to this year’s holiday gathering.