Family Alphabet Game – Get to Know You Activity
Supplies: Index cards and pen
This is a good game for family reunions and gatherings. It can also be used at camp and group events.
Get a set of index cards, and write the alphabets from A-Z one letter per card.
Gather all guests around in a circle, the host stands in the middle of the circle, randomly pulls out a index card from the pile and calls out the letter. Then everyone who’s first name begins with that letter of the alphabet must stand up and give their full name and where they, are from. This is a great get- acquainted game for Family Gatherings, and those meeting for the first time.
Want to add a little more to this activity?
Consider starting with one guest and then select a letter of the alphabet and see if they can name everyone who’s name starts with that letter. (If no one has a name starting with that letter then they need to say no one)
The easiest way to do this is to give the person 10 or 20 seconds to see if they can name the people that start with that letter. If they can’t remember or mess up, just note it was a good try or close and have the guest politely restate their first and last name.
Continue to move around the circle one time until everyone took a turn.