Dirty Diaper Ice-Breaker Game
Supplies: Mini dirty diapers, safety pins, mustard
This is an easy and fun, random winner game that involves little dirty diapers you wear. It is not to be confused with What’s in the Dirty Diaper that involves sniffing and identifying what is in the diaper.
Take a paper napkin and fold it into the shape of a diaper. Fold it in half once to form a rectangle.
Now in one of the diapers (folded diapers) tape and piece of brown paper or a picture brown poo. This is the Dirty Diaper.
Now you have to finish making the the napkin diapers. Fold the corners in and the top part in down again so that it forms a square. (Kind of like an envelope.) Fold down the top corners of the diaper and secure with tape or a small safety pin. It should now be in a diaper shape.
Every guest receives a folded diaper upon their arrival to secure to their shirt with a safety pin or tape. Announce that it’s time to find out who has the dirty diaper. Before each person opens the diaper ask them to tell a little bit about who they are and how the know the mom to be. The guest with the “Dirty Diaper” receives a prize.
Thanks, Amy
Here are some ready to go Dirty Diaper games.
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