Thank You Card Game
Supplies: Thank you card envelopes, pens, basket, timer
Ease the Bride-to-be’s workload by helping get the Thank You notes addressed by your guests. This game serves two purposes, one the envelopes get addressed and two you can make a simple game out of it. This can also be used for a Baby Shower too.
Upon arrival you have each guest write down their name and address on a Thank You Card envelope. Then have the guests place the addressed envelopes in a basket.
Then set a timer (this will be done 2 or 3 times during the shower) for 30 or 40 minutes. When the timer goes off, get the basket of the addressed Thank You card envelopes and have the shower honoree randomly pick one from the basket and that person wins a small prize. If playing more than once, reset the timer and repeat the process when the time goes off.